Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dexter William Clark

4~18~12 10:33 pm
7 lbs 14 oz
21 in Long

I am finally ready to come out of baby heaven to share my boy with the world.

One week ago today I was miserably hoping I would go into labor, green with envy that Brooke already had her sweet baby, and incredibly stressed out at what might actually happen if I DID go into labor.
My Dr lied and refused to induce me at 39 weeks and wouldn't strip my membranes till I was officially 39 weeks (38+6 wasn't good enough for him) I literally almost cried on the exam table at my last 3 appointments. But finally on the 17th he stripped my membranes and schedule an induction for me on the 23 (40+1).
I had contractions almost all that night but nothing consistent or painful but when I woke up the next morning I just had that feeling that I was going to have my baby that day. I even text that to Nate who just laughs at all my wrong womanly intuitions. I was going to capitalize on every possibility of going into labor. Dr said if stripping my membranes was going to work, I'd know by Thursday. So by 3:00 pm with no contractions and feeling pretty good I decided to make myself the famous Williams sisters castor oil cocktail. Nothing. Then at 5pm started getting contractions about every 5 min. They were not painful and that was the problem. Was this labor? I kept waiting... one hour... two hours... another half hour... I called my sister-in-law and told her I might be in labor and asked her if it was possible for her to be with Brig. She was and wanted to come over immediately. I sheepishly agreed, the whole while Nate kept looking at me going "if your in labor don't you think it would hurt". Which I agreed. By 8 when they still hadn't gone away and they were getting a little more painful I decided we could go to the hospital and I would bear the walk of shame if I must. We finished packing our hospital bags then headed out. 
We pulled into the hospital parking lot at 8:45.
Got into labor and delivery and settled about 9:10.
Nurse checked me about 9:30 4 cm 60% effaced. she said "they'll probably keep me"
9:55 My water breaks. 5 cm 80% effaced. phew still safe.
then the worst news anyone can hear: 
"the anesthesiologist on-call is on his way"
"How long does he take to get here?" "Usually within 10 min"
10:20 anesthesiologist arrives and starts the slowest epidural you've ever seen
I sat through 6 horrendous contractions while he meticulously laid out his instruments and prepped me.
Then on that last contraction we entered transitional labor and my body just started trying to push with me sitting up trying to get an epidural. Oh and with the epidural still going to take about 5 min to start working.
I laid back down the nurse checked me and I went from an 8-10  in one contraction (she claims it was the fastest she's seen)
My Dr? not there. The Dr on call? oh not there yet either.
The 20 something looking resident? yup. He delivered my babe.
10:33 pm Dexter arrived.
 I can not believe how awful the whole thing was, how out of control of my own body I was, and how instantly it all just ended.
Immediate relief and immediate love for that boy!

I am not a tough woman. I have the lowest pain tolerance. I have no problem admitting that.
I NEVER thought I would pretty much do a natural delivery. (the epidural did help with the stitching up of things)
I don't think Nate was able to watch anything going on when baby came out cause he was so worried about me. Really... the sounds coming out of my mouth? never heard them in my life. So ugly and I had noo control over them.

Oh but it was so wonderful at the same time. The hospital was slow that night, we got our coveted private room, and most importantly a perfectly healthy in every way baby boy.

And this? 
 Brig loves baby brother!
He just calls at him "BEEE"

MY boys :)

And can I say how much I love this baby?
I would have newborns the rest of my life.
But getting them here is SO stinking hard.
This pregnancy was really hard for me. It is so much work to get a baby here.
But then you get them here and it is heaven.
He is so good. Got 9's on all his Apgar's, nurses like a champ every four hours and at night will go 5-6! Loves to sleep right next to momma, hardly cries, and just gets cuter by the moment.
We went to the dr today for goopy eyes and he'd already made his birthweight. Apparently, he's doing a lot of growing while he's sleeping.
My mom keyed it tonight,"He wanted to be bigger but there was no room,"
So he's now making up for it :)

I am just enjoying every second of this incredible newborn and trying to let the bliss wash away the last 9 months. So if I don't call/text/respond in anyway in the next few weeks. Please forgive me, I am in heaven and ignoring normal life.

oh and the lesson that should be learned here?
labor doesn't hurt until the end.


Cassandra Potter Kemp said...

Wow that is a crazy story!! Sounds awesome how fast it was, hopefully mine can be similar! How scary though your doctor wasn't there, glad everything turned out well :)

Unknown said...

TRULY....amazing and frightening at the same time. I adore this beautiful boy. So lucky to share in this first week of his life. Love you all! XOXO

Mitch said...

You are a champ! Enjoy your beautiful boys.

Sissy said...

Way to go Paige!! You are a pioneer woman after all :) I died laughing at your comment about the language coming out your mouth.... pretty sure I've been there too. Ha! So proud of you and your handsome 3 boys!

Jessica said...

So happy he's here and that you're in baby "heaven!" I love it! I coud definitely come up with some less lovely words to describe my life right now with a leaking body and sleepless nights. How I wish I was a newborn kind of loving mommy but atleast I know where to send Douglas when I've had enough! Enjoy and congratulations! He's beautiful!