Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Some one said its all happening at the lake... I do believe it

Part of the Annual Lagoon weekend consists of a day at the Pine View Lake. It's lots of sun, food, and blow up toys. This year its started a bit windy AND rainy but it cleared up after about an hour

Nate spends the ENTIRE time one the seadoo's.

Except of course for this small blurp in the mud

They get a boat every year too which is fun... not a LOT of wakeboarding mostly cruising around but the kids loved playing on it.

Okay so the kids loved the boat...Taylie ADORED the boat I think when it was beached she just stayed a float not to mention she loved driving the thing

Jayce and his beloved truck

Miss Karis and her cute butt

Minie you're in for a treat with feet like these

Miss Maggie Eliza Lundquist only about 2 weeks old!

Grammy and Maggie

Jayce and Misty... oh and of course the truck

We had two cabana's set up.... some nice shade (L-R: Ryan,Greg, Coleen and Maggie, Natalie)

The seadoo was enjoyed by many of the kids... you think wow two kids at once... Mike had three out at once with Ava driving

Aliyah in the beach fort

Karis and Goosey enjoying some cheeto's and girl time

Jon and Cass napping on the dry towels, in most of shade, and on some great toys. But could you disturb a nap like that?

By the end of the day this is how we all wound up
The men all up beach under the trees talking

And the girls all under the Cabana (except Nate we were nursing his injured toe)

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