Thursday, June 19, 2008


Okay so this has taken over our life... Jon and Cass are way into Lost so we thought we'd give it a shot. It took over. Everyday when Nate comes home from work this is what we do... it really isn't healthy so luckily we only have 3 more episodes of season 3 left and season 4 isn't available. We can start doing normal things at night!
But while I'm still on the subject.... these are my favorite characters...

John Locke

and Sawyer :)


Andrea Ingersoll said...

Okay, isn't LOST the best? I'm totally obsessed too. Austin & I did the same thing with all the seasons. We stayed up til wee hours and couldn't function with our normal lives--I'm sure you're having the dreams too. I love it! We just caught up in time for the last season (4 right?) and watched it every week and now its just annoying waiting for the next season. That's the only part I hate about TV....waiting!!

Pam said...

Hmmm...I don't really get it. I guess you have to submerge yourself? We did get a little of that obsession with John Adams. Thanks again for the gift, Paigey!

CharLee Carn said...

Ha ha ha! I have just started Lost is sooo good! I'm obssessed too!

Mark andTiffani said...

Okay maybe you don't want me to tell you this.. but you can watch season 4 on the abc website in HD. This is what i do to entertain myself out here. Glad to see you getting all settled in CA. What part?