Sunday, April 25, 2010

baby b goes to church

since we've been going pretty much everywhere with baby (movies last night boo ya)
i decided my period of confinement probably should be over
so we took b to church
sacrament meeting

this is what he wore


i fell in love with this little number at a boutique in centerville and coleen obliged and bought it for us.
i thought i might bless him in this but decided on a traditional gown for all my babies instead.
this however does not change how much i l-o-v-e this little number
it reminds me something of this...

he looked adorable and did splendid for his first hour of church
his dad only said
"what are you wearing"
lucky for me i have a few more months before nate really will have an opinion on these things

bravo to brig for attending church today!

on another note:
i feel like my baby doesn't like me.
sometimes when he's fussing and i hand him off to nate and he settles down
or i just want a break for a minute
i feel like he doesn't like me
i'm thrilled he likes nate
.really, i am.
but COME on
i'm the momma!
and sometimes he doesn't like me and it's not fair


Pam said...

He looks A-MAZING in that outfit. I. Love. It. He's a baby and he can wear that stuff for only a short time so go for it "Blue Boy". And hog-wash...your baby likes you. Just sometimes we all need a "change" and thank goodness he likes his Papa when it's time for a "change". Just let Nate try to keep him happy for 24 hrs. straight and then see who he likes! Brig is gorgeous!! XOXOXO

Mitch said...

I love Baby Gainsborough. And Margaret does the same with me (goes to Niall and stops crying.) I've been told it's because she can smell milk with mom but not with dad, so she calms down. Makes me feel better.

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

i love him

MAEH said...

If it makes you feel better...Matt feels the same as you. He thinks Elle doesn't like him much, but it's totally not true. Brig loves you!

kennan said...

jude wore a "bonnet" at his blessing and trevan still give me grief.

Pam said...

I HATE when people censor you! I like it when you have a voice of your own. Sorry...

Pam said...
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