Saturday, April 24, 2010


well fed
brig just happens to be of the gourmet variety.
i guess years ago a yale study dubbed 5 common eating habits in infants:
barracudas,excited ineffectives, procrastinators, resters,
yes, brig is a gourmet
and i quote:
"the gourmets insist on playing with the nipple, tasting the milk first and smacking their lips before digging in. if hurried or prodded, they become furious and scream in protest."

well that sums it up.
It sounds adorable, but since i'm still up 2 times between the hours 11 pm and 6 am i can't help but think
really, brig?

oh i love you monsieur gourmet!


Pam said...

Oh my goodness....he may be gourmet but he is YUMMMMMMY! I am counting the days until I get to squish him. Wait, Brig.....I'm coming!!! XOXOXO

MAEH said...

That's pretty funny...he is sure a cutie though! Where did you read about the eaters? I wonder what Elle would be considered. Definitely not gourmet...How long does it usually take him to feed then? Maybe he'll change his ways...

Nate and Paige said...

I read it both in my "first year week by week" and another baby's first year book my pediatrician gave me. Once he finally decides to get to business it's about 10 min each side unless I'm being nice then it's more like 15

MAEH said...

Nice, I will have to check it out. Sounds like everything is going well for you all!