Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One of those quiet ones

no. not here.
i think day 2 nate made this comment
"so i guess we didn't get one of those quiet ones"
i defiantly disagreed blaming babes fusses on newness

3 weeks later and
.we didn't get one of those quiet ones.

this is a problem because
a) i don't know what IM doing
b) nate to-date isnt the most patient of men
c) im turning into a fussy mom

so as much as i love my little booger i am on 3 days of quite a bit of fussiness
dr t says two hours a day is 'normal' and i guess anything beyond is...
so brig.
now that you're finally asleep and i should be having the energy to hop in the shower and tidy our little life up
i am going back to sleep too


Pam said...

Oh dear...hang in there, Mommy. Things DO get better and more manageable at about 6 weeks. You are half way there! :) He is still AORABLE! Yet another reason why you should move back....I'm just saying... XOXO

Pam said...

P.S. Maybe his isn't "one of those quiet ones" because Mom and Dad need to learn patience? You never, never know!

MAEH said...

Hey, so I've started reading this book called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and it talks about fussiness and soothing techniques that they say work on colic babies. Even if Brig isn't colic, it might help. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

Nate and Paige said...

haha its totally on my nightstand.... and helping :)

MAEH said...


MAEH said...

Have you been reading any other books you like?

Tiffany said...

At least his outfit is awesome! Seriously love that. Hope it calms down for you.

TuCk N JuLeS said...

Hang in there, Paige! Kashli was colicky and cried from 10 PM to 5 AM EVERY SINGLE NIGHT until she was 4 months old. I would just hold her and cry with her most of the time, and truly wondered WHY people ever wanted another one! But it is a short time they are so "new." I know it's hard! Just pray a lot and remember "this to shall pass . . ."

TuCk N JuLeS said...

p.s. Some good news is that this DOES entitle you to a PERFECT easy baby sometime down the road . . . ;)