Saturday, April 3, 2010

When the sunshine leaves your home...

this is the only picture i have to document this post.
i am heartbroken this is the case. i want so badly for my little man to know that his nannie was there and how much she showed her love for us.
for ten days my mom was there by my side, in my house, holding my babe, and making everything run smooth as can be.
i knew it wouldn't last forever and had a ten day expiration date but when she left wednesday night i couldn't help but cry.
.all night.
when i woke up in the morning to no nate and no nannie in the other room it felt so quiet and lonely. she taught me the ropes well and truly helped me weather some hard nights and days. i had no idea how much i was going to need her going into this.
i will never forget the ten days i had her here to help with my sweet little turtle.

~now for you baby~
you should know....
nannie was by my side the entire day you tried to come home.
she was just outside the door when you finally came and was the first to hold you other than mom and dad.
she held and rocked you when mom would let you go.
she ohhd and ahhd at you everyday with mom.
she gave you your first bath at home.
she went on your first walk with you.
she drove you on your first outing (to target).
she was just outside the door when you had to go to the dr.
she fed and clothed the whole house.
most of all she loved you.
she loved dad.
she loved me.
we all miss her.
she took the sunshine with her.

i live to far away from my family. i'm doing fine and Nate helps a lot more now that nannie's gone.
but i sure miss the company and still live to far away.


Pam said...

Still tearing up when I think about leaving you in California. Dad keeps reminding me that I did it without family doesn't help. You DO live too far away, but we are going to have to learn to be okay with that I guess. Thanks for the kind words. I know Nate can step up if he decides to. I miss you!!! XOXO

kennan said...

break my heart.

i can't imagine not having mom all the time. you are brave, and it makes me a little jealous.

come home.

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

Come home. I'm heart broken too. Xoxo miss u to the moon

MAEH said...

I feel for you...seriously, but instead of my Mom leaving, I had to move away to Utah where I really don't know anyone! I cried too!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I'm sorry! I know how you feel. Even just four hours away and I feel to far away when Babies are born and she leaves. What a sweet post. Love you and can't wait to see you and baby Brig.

kennan said...

more pictures please.