Saturday, October 8, 2011

a petrified forest

I see the sign all the time "Petrified Forest 10 miles <--"
I, for one, find such things interesting.
So when Nate got invited to go to niners first pre-season game... Brig and I needed a few tricks.
It also happened to be the same weekend as "Wings over Wine Country" so we stopped by the cemetary to catch a bit of this. It was not very entertaining this year :( 
Petrified forest it was!

Brig needed no promptings to know what to do with a petrified tree.
You climb over it of course.

It was very overpriced, full of tourist, Nate would have hated it, and really it was not much of a "forest"
It was the perfect little "hike" for a Brig and a good "once every few years" kinda things.

They were cool though.
And with all their claims of "largest petrified trees in the world" and "7 million years old" and "Robert Louis Stevenson" I did feel a bit awestruck.

And again, Brig knew just what to do.
Find a seat on a petrified tree of course!
Oh I love that curious boy.
It was on this visit that I learned Brig's love for uneven surfaces.
Rocks, sand, dirt, sticks, leaves. Yes, please.
We started exploring baby hikes after this discover.
Much to Brig's delight.


Pam said...

If I lived by you I would GLADLY tag along for all the "adventures of Paige and Brig". Miss you both!! XOXO

Jannie said...

Ray loves seeing pictures of "Big". :)