Thursday, June 3, 2010

being mommy

just a few shots for a few words...
i absolutely love when he does his superman moves on his tum

at 10 weeks i feel like i know how to be brigs mom.
not a mom, but definitely brig's mom.
remember when i didn't think he liked me?
he likes me
i can tell
in the early weeks when my mom and my dr kept saying "you just learn your baby" i really thought i might not ever learn my baby. 
but i have, during the day we do a lovely waltz of me holding him or setting him somewhere until he squawks then i move him or hold him some other way until he really cries and i know that he either is hungry or tired. we get to do that dance all day everyday. and brigham? 
it's my favorite dance
 i still think other peoples children are daunting.
i mean i just heard from my mom about my 14 year old niece babysitting brooke and kennan's babes and what a horrific night she was having and i thought "i couldn't handle what she just handled"
my 14 old self was not good with kids.
let's face it i've never been one to volunteer to babysit or ask to hold people babies.
but mine?
he is a whole nother story.
i get him, i LOVE him,
i'm his mom


Andrea Ingersoll said...

that makes me feel better because i am the same way and honestly have dreams that my new baby hates my guts. ahh.... being a mom is kind of scary. Good to know it comes natural for your own!!!

Pam said...

Holy cow, I love him!! And I love that you love being his Mommy so much. I knew you'd be good at it, but you are REALLY good at it...and in a different way than I thought. You are VERY relaxed and natural at wonder he likes you so much. Miss you both! XO

Pam said...
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Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I like him a lot....scratch that LOVE him. Love his Superman.