Friday, June 25, 2010

a trip to the zooo

we went to the zoo!
i'm going to say brig didn't enjoy it much and was a bit fussy whole time 
 felt like a real mom!
cass was nice enough to invite me along with some of her friends and i am sure glad she did cause i thought it was quite fun

brig's twin
mr turtle
however i couldn't get a head on shot....

see the resemblance?

1st off
cass was hilarious with her front pack... i've never seen a mom and baby loaded in more complicated ha
2ndly we walk over to the chimps and cass is talking to cleo telling her to look at the chimps when i look at cleo and she's doing this
ohhh... i <3 that girl

there was a bengal tiger somewhere behind us

and what's a trip to the zoo without a stuffed animal to go home with?
cleo and brig got matching monkeys for their car seats....
brig's lasted less than 24 hours when redford discovered said monkey
 i wouldn't talk to redford for a couple of days
needless to say the monkey belongs to redford now

1 comment:

Pam said...

In love with the turtle shot! Looks like a very fun day...XO