Thursday, June 17, 2010

swimming with our cous

since my last night of work was last thursday (it was very sad but i failed to take any pictures)
i feel like my days are extra long and sunday i basically begged cass to play with me sometime this week. 
she kindly obliged :)
she made a pool party on tuesday!
i was so oober pumped and started getting ready to go at like 9:30 (supposed to arrive 11:30)
then i started heading out to the car with my load and thought.. hmm its a little chilly. 
then i got in my car and the thermostat said it was 65 outside!
i wasn't backing down though and thought worst case scenario me and cass could just hang at her place
so when i arrived at the pool cute cass had bought a big old delicious togo's party sandwich and had chips and drinks and i was the only one so far. everyone else wimped out cause it was to cold.  however, cass's pool is like a bathtub and it started really heating up by about 1pm which is when more of cass's friends arrived.
overall it was fabulously fun and i think may be happening again next week.

he was awake when i got there so i decided to sunscreen him up and put on his suit

he looked amazing of course...
and cass made a very good point about swimming suits
he needs several so every pool day doesn't look like the same day in pictures
my philosophy on buying swimming suits will never be the same

this is cleo

and yes she is this cute
can't wait till she and brig can actually start playing with each other

momma and brig

cass had bought a couple of these blow up things and surprisingly brig fit in it

so i twirled him around for hmm say 10 minutes? then his feet started looking pretty pruney so i got him out  and pretty much he just napped on me the rest of the pool day.
but overall? 


Pam said...

Oh SHUT-UP!!! He is TOOO cute. I can't stand it. Will you PLEASE bring him to see me????? XOXOXO

Pam said...
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