Wednesday, June 23, 2010

our first fathers day

i love these guys
{especially in sunday attire}

now that we're parents i really do have a testimony of the divinity of our roles. i as the mother and nate as the father play very different rolls that are both uniquely important. i love watching nate with our boy. sometimes i wonder what he is doing and need to bite my tongue, other times i spy in awe at how cute they are together. at the end of the day, nate is the most perfect dad for my boy, well our boy :)
i want you to know natey that i feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have your baby. who knew we'd make something so amazing? who knew we'd just fall into these rolls? who knew it would be the most fun we've had yet?
i'm so glad your the father of our house.
thank you for all you do
and remember
we're always on your side

oh and did you know this daddy sure loves to kiss this boy?


Justin & Kristi said...

I love it, you make me so excited to have a little boy! Brig is a adorable!

Chatty Natty said...

Ok...LOVE that picture of Nate's luscious lips:) What cute parents you both are!

Pam said...

Darling pictures of both your men! Lucky girl, lucky man, lucky baby! XO